
The conditions for adding a driver to your car insurance policy is if they are residing with you, have regular access to your vehicle, and have a driver’s license. If these conditions are not met, there is a chance that you will be denied coverage in case they get involved in an accident.

The inclusion of someone in your car insurance does affect your rates, but the positive is that it does not have an adverse effect. At times, you will be able to save money based on the driving history and age of everyone you integrate into your policy.

Read this post to find out how the addition of a driver to your policy will affect your rates and the steps you can take to achieve this. We also compare rates from numerous insurers, as securing multiple quotes is the ideal way to save on the rates of car insurance.


In this article we will consider such main points:

  • When you need to add someone to your car insurance
  • When you don’t need to add someone to your car insurance
  • How to add a driver to your insurance policy
  • The cost of adding a driver to your car insurance

When you need to add someone to your car insurance


Note that you need to add an individual to your auto insurance if they fulfill the above-stated conditions. This can include anyone; whether it is your driven-age children, girlfriend, boyfriend, or even spouse. Some insurance firms may require you to add an individual that is not related to you but lives with you; for instance, a roommate. You must consider this even if your insurance firm doesn’t require you to add a roommate to this list.

I recommend that you should consider doing this if they borrow your car on an occasional basis. You have to understand that your roommate may get involved in an auto crash when driving your car. In this case, your insurance firm may not cover the cost if they found out that you failed to add your roommate to your policy. Finally, it doesn’t cost much to include them on your policy list.

When you don’t need to add someone to your car insurance


If someone doesn’t reside with you and only have access to drive your car on an occasional basis, then you don’t have to add the individual to your car insurance. For instance, if you will be receiving a guest from out of town and the person will drive your car occasionally.

These people are automatically protected by the “permissive user” clause inserted into your car insurance policy. This applies to anyone that doesn’t permanently reside with you even if they are your family member.

How to add a driver to your insurance policy


For the majority of insurance companies, you can include your driver into the list of your car insurance policy simply by contacting your provider or insurance agent. You will need the information stated below to include them on your car insurance policy list, though these requirements may vary according to the insurer. The information is; Occupation, Social

Security Number, Gender, Date of birth, Name, Any recent accidents or traffic tickets, or how long they have been using their license. If you intend to permanently add a driver to your insurance policy. For instance, if your child just secures their driver’s license, you should check for a new policy around your location – you might be able to get a better rate at another firm.

How to Get Car Insurance Depending On Who You Live With


As a driver with a provisional permit, the best way to get covered is by living with someone who already has an existing car insurance policy, either with your spouse or your parents. The scope of this article is to uncover the “HOW” in getting car insurance depending on who you live with and the way it influences your eligibility.

The cost of adding a driver to your car insurance


The fact is that the inclusion of a driver to your auto insurance policy will certainly affect your rates. Nevertheless, this isn’t always the case that the addition of another driver will always increase the rates. We discovered that depending on the type of primary and secondary drivers, the addition of another driver can significantly reduce the costs of your insurance policy.

To understand the financial implication of the inclusion of a driver to an insurance policy, our research expert did their estimation and they collected quotes for three individual drivers; a 19-year old man, a 50-year old woman, and a 30-year old. They included two different secondary drivers to their list to discover the impact it will have on their rates.


We discovered that in almost every situation, the addition of another driver will significantly reduce the rates that could be paid by our sample driver. Our analysis shows that young drivers will save more money. The addition of another driver to his policy reduces his rates by at least $500. Also, our 50-year old woman paid more money after adding another driver, she added a 30-year man to her list.

The reason for this variation in rates is because the insurance set rates are based on the overall possibility that a vehicle will be involved in an accident. Thus, they have the right to secure an insurance claim. You may be thinking about switching car insurance after an accident – for more details check American Insurance.



If you are considering adding a driver to car insurance, you have to consider several factors. Is the person residing with you? Does he/she have a driving license? Or is the person living permanently with you? After you have answered the question, you can then decide whether to add the individual to your insurance policy. Ensure that you peruse this post before making a decision. Now you have all the information you need to know how to add a driver to your insurance policy.