It’s important to maintain your electric bike. A properly maintained bike provides worry-free rides now and for years to come. The life of your electric bike is extended by following a few simple maintenance suggestions.
How to Get the Most Out of Your Battery
The 30-80 rule
Maintain a charge level of between 30-80% as much as possible. Making this routine can double the lifetime of your battery, demonstrated by in their customer support resources.
To improve the likelihood of this happening, get into the habit of charging your electric bike upon returning home. And along with this, don’t leave your electric bike on the charger for longer than necessary. Once the batter reaches 100 percent, it’s best to remove it.
The effects of temperature on your battery
It’s best for your battery to avoid temperature extremes. Very cold or hot temperatures negatively affect the battery’s performance. Weather extremes also shorten its expected lifespan.
The recommended temperature for storage is 32F – 77F. It’s important to avoid exposing the battery to temperatures above 104F for extended periods of time.
Depending on where you live, you may need to find a dedicated area in your home or garage that maintains a safe temperature for your electric bike’s battery.
Storing Your Bike/Battery
When your bike is being stored, it’s best to keep your battery at an 80% charge level. If you’re storing it for longer than 3 months, it’s recommended to check the battery’s charge. And don’t store the bike with the battery plugged in!
This coincides with the tip above about the effects of temperature on your battery. If you’re storing your electric bike for a long period of time, do so in an area of your home that maintains a steady temperature. In some cases, you may need to use a portable AC or heater to aid your cause.
Maintaining Your Electric Bike’s Components
Spoke tension is important for electric bikes with hub motors. This is due to the immense torque from the hubs potentially causing broken spokes.
Remember to check your bike’s spokes regularly, especially when it’s new. Some mating and seating of connecting points can cause the spokes to become loose. This problem is made worse when a rider weighs more than 180lbs. The wear process of the spokes is accelerated, and they are likely to become bound and loosen.
If you don’t want to take the bike to a shop or buy a tool for measuring tension, you can use the sound method to check it. The tap-tap-tap-ting sound of spoke tuning is easy to recognize. When you hear a thud, there is a loose spoke. Give it a quarter turn and tap again. The spokes should sound fairly close to the same.
You don’t want to tighten them too much or you’ll pull the rim out of alignment. If you are able to measure with a tool, here are the specs:
Spoke Tension
Rear-wheel, 12G spoke:
Left side 114-130kgs (Park tool, it should show 33-34 on the tool)
Right side 150-172kgs (Park tool, it should show 35-36 on the tool)
Front-wheel, 13G spoke:
Left side 133-151kgs (Park tool, it should show 30-31 on the tool)
Right side 104-117kgs (Park tool, it should show 28-29 on the tool)
Spoke Length
700C: Rear-wheel: 12G 238mm, 12G 240mm
27.5inch: Rear-wheel: 12G 220mm, 12G 222mm
This is one of the most important things you can do from a maintenance perspective, so don’t hesitate to consult with a professional. Even if it costs you a few dollars for professional service, you’ll more than make it back in peace of mind.
Maintaining Your Electric Bike’s Chain
Check out your chain and drivetrain occasionally. You extend the life of the drivetrain by reducing metal-on-metal contact. Don’t wait until the chain and drivetrain make noise before checking them. Keeping the chain lubed not only makes pedaling more smooth but eases how the chain glides up and down. It also makes the gears smoother.
Tip: if you notice your bike’s chain making a strange sound—such as grinding or clicking—immediately stop to inspect it. Continuing to ride could result in irreparable damage.
Best Shifting Methods to Maintain Your Electric Bike
It’s important to routinely take your shifting mechanism to a mechanic to be tuned up. You can also learn about this by watching YouTube videos. ,
The ability to shift easily into every gear is important for the life of the cassette, chain, and derailleur. If something isn’t lined up correctly, it can cause premature wear on the components.
Here is a helpful video:
Maintaining Your Electric Bike’s Brakes
It’s important to keep your brakes dialed in. This is not only so you can slow down or stop properly, but also to make sure the brake components aren’t rubbing. Rubbing wears down the rotors and pads quickly and will ultimately slow you down.
Typically, it’s easy to tell if there’s something wrong with your electric bike’s brakes. If you’ve realized that your stopping distance is longer, it’s time to inspect your brakes and conduct the proper maintenance.
Ignoring the brakes puts your safety and well-being at risk.
Here is a helpful Video:
Maintaining Your Electric Bike’s Tires
Check your front and rear tire pressure frequently. If you don’t take the bike out often, pump up the tires once or twice a week or before every ride. Some bike tires can lose pressure after sitting still for four to five days.
Final Thoughts on Maintaining Your Electric Bicycle
You spent a lot of money on your electric bike, so you don’t want to ignore maintenance and hope for the best. Doing so will put your safety at risk, while also reducing the lifespan of your bicycle.
With these maintenance suggestions guiding you, it’s easier than ever to make the right decisions on behalf of you and your electric bike.
When you feel good about your maintenance schedule, you’ll be more confident that your electric bike will serve you well for many years to come.