So you’ve gotten into a car accident. Someone rear ended you. You’re shaken up. Your neck hurts. Your adrenaline is dumping. There’s confusion and anger at the situation itself. But what do you do next? The steps after a rear end collision are absolutely crucial.

It’s important to know what your options are and what the next move is. This may seem like a complete over-analysis. But the moments after a car accident are often a blur and people are left confused or in a state of confusion. And what you do and how you do it may determine the effects over the next few days and weeks.

1. Assess The Health And Safety Of The People Around You

Priority number one is your health and the health of the people around you. So seek medical assistance immediately. Check on others in the vehicle to see if they’ve been hurt as well. After you’ve made sure you and your passengers are okay, check on the other people involved in the accident.

Make sure they’re fine. In the end, as much as this is a massive inconvenience and a sizable expense, people and their safety take precedence. If they are hurt, do not attempt to move them unless it is the only means to keep them safe.

2. Get Complete Information

Next is to get information. Exchange insurance information and know exactly what type of insurance they have. Just because it’s not your fault doesn’t mean that the other party will handle your expenses or even be honest in their reporting process.

More often than not, there will be some sort of mix up with the insurance. Be upfront about all the information. Get a photo of the other party’s insurance card, drivers licenses, and damage, as well as their phone number and witness information. 

3. Obtain A Police Document 

The next step is to call the police. You’re going to want to obtain an official police document. This prevents a lot of time wasted on shady insurance company practices and challenges regarding a reasonable settlement. 

4. Seek Professional Medical Attention

After you’ve obtained the police report, attend to any potential injuries you have. Go to the hospital. Often adrenaline can mask pain and signs of bodily harm. It is best to have a professional conclude on your bill of health. That way, there is documentation of any possible or potential harm and you can adequately proceed to the next step.

If you need to be transported via ambulance, mention every single ache and pain. This is not the time to play the tough role. Be as excruciatingly detailed as you can. Also know that after your assessment in the ambulance, your condition will be reported to the Emergency Room staff. If you are not in need of immediate surgery or medical attention, you will be either discharged or placed in a waiting area. This may seem like another inconvenience, but there are other emergencies happening simultaneously that may require their entire staff.

5. Seek Professional Legal Help

Next, you should contact an attorney. If you were seriously injured, you need to consult with an attorney to discuss your legal options. They can help guide you through the complications with fatalities, if any.

According to, if the police report comes up inadequate in terms of info and you truly believe it was not your fault, an attorney can help. Basically every complication in the entire process, from possible harm to an eventual recovery, can be massively aided by the expertise of an attorney.

Accidents are far from fun. They’re incredibly scary and often much worse to deal with than initially expected. Knowing what you need to do can save you time, money, and a whole lot of confusion. And with the aid of a good attorney, you can rest assured that you’ve done everything in your power to make things right.