
A motorcycle—or any other vehicle for that matter—can also be a collection piece, besides it being your trusty old friend on the open road. But, these machines don’t last forever, and when rust begins to spread like coronavirus, there’s nothing much you can do about it except to face the awful reality of sending your bike off to retirement.

The good news is, despite having an expiration date, you can actually extend the life of your vehicle. Though rust can cause heart-wrenching damage or expensive restorations, there is a way for you to prevent, reduce, and remove corrosion in your motorcycle.

Discover more about proper maintenance and storage of your motorcycle and other vehicles here to keep your wheels turning heads while you rev on the road.

1. What Causes Rust


Rust is a chemical reaction that occurs when metal is exposed to oxygen and moisture. When left unattended, rust can spread on surrounding surfaces and weaken the integrity of the metal.

Motorcycle parts and those of other vehicles are mostly made up of metals. The engine, fuel tank, gearbox, disc brakes, suspension, and other components are metals that can corrode over time. Whenever these parts are exposed to water, rain, snow, moisture, and humidity, rust can begin to form. Besides hydrogen components, outdoor components like road salts, grease, and other noxious elements found on the road may also cause corrosion in any vehicle.

When left untreated, decaying metals can eventually lead to permanent damage on your motorbike or other vehicle.

2. Fixing Rust Problems


But, don’t lose hope. Rusting in vehicles is normal as it is with metals.

In fixing corrosion issues in your motor vehicle, remember these three Rs:

  • Restrain

The adage “prevention is better than cure” holds true in keeping your motorcycle in tip-top shape. Prevent corrosion from forming by properly maintaining your vehicle.

Make sure to clean your bike thoroughly once or twice a week when you’re using it regularly in the summer. If you decide to take your bike for a spin during the winter, make sure to wash it right away to get rid of elements that can cause corrosion.

After washing, apply wax and anti-rust protection. Doing this routine religiously may seem taxing, but you’ll thank yourself later once you realize you’ve prolonged the life of your bike.

  • Reduce

Rust may still be inevitable in spite of performing rigorous preventive measures to slow down corrosion.

But, the good news is, you can control the early stages of corrosion by using rust converters. Rust converters are chemical primers you can apply directly on a metal surface to convert rust into a protective chemical barrier.

Using rust converter products on the onset of corrosion may help inhibit those deadly rust patches from spreading.

Looking for rust converters that work? Sites like have reviews on the best rust converters available in the market right now.

  • Remove

If rust patches begin to spread on a larger scale, there’s a DIY home remedy you can do as a last resort before visiting the mechanic.

To remove rust, you’ll need an abrasive material such as steel wool or sandpaper.

Here’s a quick four-step guide:

  1. Wash the rusted area with motorcycle shampoo, rinse with water, and then dry with a rag.
  2. Using the steel wool, gently rub the affected area to avoid scratching any painted surface. When you start to see the rust coming off, switch to the less abrasive sandpaper to finish the job.
  3. Apply chrome polish to mask over any minor scratches.
  4. Wax the surface where you removed the rust to protect it from elements that can cause corrosion.

3. Storage


Whether you bought your road beast bone stock or built it yourself, there’s no question that you may have invested a pretty penny in owning a motorcycle. That said, upkeep should also be on top of mind so you can keep your bike pretty and running smoothly.

Storage is one of the most critical motorcycle maintenance solutions to prevent rust. You must invest in suitable storage to house your bike.

In terms of longevity, nothing can beat the security of an indoor storage. Keeping your bike and other vehicles indoors when not in use protects them from rust-forming outdoor elements and extreme weather conditions.

Storing your bike or other vehicles in the garage should be enough. However, if there isn’t enough space, why not do a garage sweep to make space?

If cleaning out the garage sounds like too much work, you may consider renting out a motorbike storage facility. Or if you want your babies close by, it may be a great investment to build a shed on your backyard. There, you can line all your bikes and other vehicles up and appreciate their beauty.

If you’re keeping your bike outside, make sure to put on a bike cover to help keep moisture out and protect the metals’ integrity.

4. Preparing For Storage


Besides indoor storage, the way you prepare your vehicle for hibernation is also crucial in maintaining its performance and appearance.

Here’s another quick four-step guide on how to keep your bike ready for storage:

  1. Perform a deep clean on your motorcycle. Each time you go for a ride, your bike accumulates dirt, grease, and grimes on certain parts. When these noxious elements build up, they can eventually form rust and cause damage. Thoroughly clean all the nooks and crannies to keep your bike spotless and rust-free.
  2. After rinsing and drying, apply motorcycle wax on painted surfaces. Waxing helps repel moisture that may seep into perforations. It can also make your bike looking brand-new for your next open road adventure.
  3. Coat all metal surfaces with anti-corrosion products, except for the disc brakes. This can help minimize rust from forming and save you money in the long run.
  4. Don’t forget to fill up the tank, especially before long periods of storage. Leaving the fuel tank empty for months without using the bike can cause rusting from within. Make sure you fill up and use a fuel stabilizer to keep the fuel fresh for several months.


Owning and using a bike or other vehicles to travel places undoubtedly adds a cool factor to your personality. But, an improperly cared for vehicle is never sexy. To keep your vehicle looking fresh, running smoothly, and cost-efficient, follow these rust-reducing tips.