Once you get to a certain age, owning a car becomes a must. It’s not like you have to own one, but having it has many perks. For most people, a car becomes like a part of the family. You simply need to rely on one in modern society. This is not some materialistic stance, it’s just an opinion. You’re free to disagree. But, if you do have a car, we’re sure you’re on our side. All of the people who possess a vehicle have a few things in common. One of those things is the desire to make your ride look better.
Yes, customization is the way to go when you want to up your game in the car department. In this article, we’re going to talk about a certain way of upgrading your ride. It is a small matter of lighting. As you can see this article is titled how to install door projection lights on your car – 2024 guide. So, we’re going to be your guides on this journey to see how your doors can be improved by adding some light to them. It is not something too complicated but we understand that you’ll need at least partial instructions.
Small Matter of Preparation

We’re being a little bit sarcastic here. You don’ need to be a little prepared. No, you need to be fully prepared for this process. After all, we’re talking about your car. If you want it to be the kind Borat wanted to buy you need to do this the right way. Lights are a big part of any vehicle, and if you’re looking to add some spectacular lighting to your doors you need to do it properly. If you want to add your brand logo as addcarlights.com has in the offer, you need to make them in such a manner as if they’re giving a statement on your behalf. Do not do this halfheartedly. We don’t need to say it twice, be passionate about it, please.
Where to Start?
The lights that go to your doors as usually the projector lights. Most people who go down this alley decide to do things this way. If you’re one of those people, we believe that you have either a photograph or a logo on your mind. While your options are not limited this is the route most individuals take. The projector lights on your doors are installed on the door panels in the bottom end. The reason why they’re positioned there is to be able to produce a bigger image and to ignite as a reaction to the door opening.
This solution is available for most car models. All that is left is for you to choose what type do you want. The first option would be the LED projector lights. You can find them in any store that deals with car parts. In most cases, they’re wired from the dome light back to the door panel. The next option, a modern one at that, is the wireless LED lights. Unlike the first option, these are much easier to install. The lights are also connected to the door panel, but the sensor is put below the light, with this installation you get the lights ignited every time you open the door. Whatever type you choose, you’ll receive similar results. A great light projection that will upgrade your care in a few simple steps. Of course, the first option is more complicated but more affordable. The second one involves that bit of wireless tech which adds up to the price. But, you’ll save on the time needed for the installation. Talking about it, let’s what are the steps to getting the job done.
This is the first step. In order to complete this task the way, it’s intended you need to prepare your vehicle. It is best to have it cleaned around the doors and to have your installation looked at by a professional. If the electric installations on your care are not in order making this upgrade won’t give the needed results. In severe cases, it won’t even work properly.
If you’re choosing option number one, this will be some work if you’re not a well-versed mechanic. If you want to connect your lights to the electric system of your care, you’ll need to remove the door lid from the inside to be able to connect the power. This is where you need to be careful as there are many parts that are connected with your windows and locks which shouldn’t be tampered with.
Test Everything
Once you have opened the dots and seen their insights you probably connected the dots. Now that everything is done, all that is left is to pack the bags and drive. Well, no! everything needs to be tested. As we said, you’ll have a connection to plenty of electrics so you need to make sure everything works once you have connected a new pair of lights. Before wrapping things up you need to make sure everything works. We’re not talking only about your new lights. No! be sure that your headlights, rear lights, locks, windows, and every other piece of electric equipment works. Once you’re sure everything is in order, you can reassemble your doors.
As we said, if everything is in the order you can put the pieces back together. This will not be an easy feat. If you have put the new projector lights on all doors, there’s plenty of work done to put every lid back in place. This will be satisfactory work, as once everything is neat and packed the right way you can enjoy the projection you’ve chosen. In the end, that’s all that matters. Once you have upgraded your vehicle this way it is mandatory that you’re satisfied. If you aren’t that means you need to go through the whole ordeal once again. That’s why it matters the partners you choose. So be careful when you select your projector lights.