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Having an electric scooter has become one of the fastest-growing trends in the last couple of years. Unlike electric skateboards, it does not take almost any practice in order to figure out how to ride it with the highest possible safety.

Furthermore, you don’t need any kind of license you need for driving a car, motorcycle, or truck. In addition, you don’t have to pay for gas or insurance. It is no surprise that companies like Bird and Lime based their marketing campaigns on electric scooters in order to take the whole world. Today, we are going to talk about the scooters that are going to be popular in 2024. All of the electric scooters are exceptional and this list of ours is based on details that make the difference.All of the electric scooters are exceptional and this list of ours is based on recommendations by Scooter.Guide that make the difference.

1. Glion Dolly

We are going to kick off this list of ours with a Glion Dolly. A vast majority of manufacturers are trying to increase the portability as much as possible. This is what was achieved with this model. It is folded up nicely and it is pretty lightweight when compared to the other electric scooters on the market. It weighs only around 26 pounds.

If you are not interested in carrying your electric scooter around there is a possibility of getting a handle extension that will make it possible for you to push it near you when you are not riding it, much easier than its competition. When it comes to the engine, it is not as powerful as some you can find on the market.

2. Scrooser


When choosing the best electric scooters, you should do a little research before you go to the store or order it online. If you are interested in how to make the proper choices for a big percentage of products, you should visit Anyway, now we got to the Scrooser.

This is the electric scooter that is the most expensive on our list. If you want it, you need to be prepared to give around $5,000. When it comes to the design, this is probably the most beautiful and sleekest designed electric scooter we have seen in the last couple of years. When it comes to the charge time, it is pretty average because of its 500-watt motor. The charge is between two and a half to four hours. In just two hours you can get it to 80% of the battery capacity.

3. Razor EcoSmart Metro

The next on our list is an EcoSmart electric scooter that is like an updated version of the first generation of Razor’s products. This model was developed back in 2018, but its popularity hasn’t declined at all and it continues to grow.

We are pretty sure that it’s going to be present a serious competitor to all of the other electric scooters on the US market in the next couple of years. Its price has been reduced last year and it is $400. This makes it the cheapest electric scooter on this list of ours.

4. The Kaabo Wolf Warrior 11

The Kaabo Wolf Warrior 11

This high-speed electric scooter has been designed for the ultimate on or off-road experience. This beast of an e-scooter gets up to 50mph and delivers a sufficient range for those adrenaline junkies among us.

With optionally enabled ABS system for safe and accurate breaking and powerful LEDs for optimal visibility, you can rest assured you’re in safe hands. Here we have an e-scooter that climbs 45% inclines with ease and delivers a peak output of 5400W. If you’re looking for extracurricular playtime with a thrill, the Wolf is for you. Check out Fluidfreeride for a look at their full portfolio.

If you are interested in stunt scooters, we recommend you to check some reviews on

Also, you can take a look at some of the other models available on Amazon:

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Learn more about which are the fastest scooters in our article.