Cycling is a very popular activity and is getting more popular each year. As people are trying to wean themselves off fossil fuels, cycling presents itself as the most obvious choice. According to Climate change is only going to get worse in the foreseeable future, so you can expect to see a lot of new cyclists in the streets and on the roads.

The difference between a blog and a site

Recently the line between a blog and a site has been blurred, but we will address the traditional differences. Most of them still apply. A website is primarily a tool for displaying information. Content on a website is usually static.

Its purpose is to inform the reader and as such, it is one-way communication. You don’t get to see your users’ feedback or their opinions. Since it is usually an official page of a company or a business, it is written in a formal style. On the other hand, a blog is the opposite of that.

A good blog will be regularly updated and the author will seek feedback from their readers. The comment section is the way users provide it and share their opinions on the content. Texts published on a blog are written informally, in a style best suited to the author, without much concern about proper writing guidelines.

Why Do You Need a Blog?

If you are reading this, you probably made up your mind, but here are some of the most common reasons people start a blog. The main one is to share their experiences, in our case related to cycling. Whether it is your travels or tips on how to maintain a bike, you feel that you have something to share with the world. Your knowledge can be helpful to others and you want to offer that help.

The other reason is to earn some cash. You can determine the level of monetization and how you want to earn money from your blog.

Some people start blogs as therapy of sorts. There is something therapeutic about putting your words on paper, well, computers screen in this case. It helps them clear their heads and think.

How To Start A Personal Blog For Cycling Enthusiasts

First, you need to decide on the platform. There are plenty of free ones, like WordPress. At some point, however, you will want to get your own site and host your blog there. There are far more options available to you that way, most of them regarding the way you monetize your blog. You will also need a good, catchy name. If you ever needed a reason to be creative and think outside the box, this is it. Go wild.

Set Up Web Analytics

Analytics is a diagnostic tool that can tell you all you need to know about your visitors. Where they came from and how did they find you are important facts that will tell you whether your marketing strategy is effective or do you need a new one.

Tell the World

Use every mean at your disposal to spread the word about your blog. Start with social media and ask your friends and family to help. Make sure to activate social media plugins on your blog, so people can easily share your articles.


Content is your bread and butter. It is the reason why your readers come to your blog. It has to be interesting and engaging. Your writing technique will be crucial here. The articles you publish should always leave your audience wanting for more. Some of it is a talent, but most of it is a skill that can be learned.

You can also use paid writers, like the ones found on Try to reach out to bloggers that also write about cycling and exchange posts with them. Make sure to add a lot of visuals, with plenty of pictures and videos. People like to see things, not just read about them. Did you see something interesting on your ride? Snap a picture. Got a malfunction on a bike? Use your camera to film how you repaired it.

Sounds banal, but it is that everyday stuff that draws people to your cycling blog. Think about what you are writing. It is far better to have one good post that will have thousands of shares than to write ten short blurbs nobody will pay attention to. There is a lot to be said about quantity, but the quality is more important when it comes to content on your blog.

At the end of the day, if you are passionate about cycling, people will recognize it and will engage with you. And that is the most important part of any successful blog, to have an audience that enjoys your posts and is willing to share it with their friends.


Your readers will be interested to hear about your gear. Make a review of everything you use, from the gearbox to helmet and gloves. You may help someone make a decision to buy or not to buy something based on your review. If you had a good experience with something, feel free to praise it.

Likewise, if your helmet cracked after you accidentally grazed it on a low ceiling, tell the people. Eventually, you can do reviews of new gear you bought. This sets up an excellent base for potential sponsorship deals that may bring you in a lot of cash. Just remember that people don’t like sellouts. Even if you get that sponsorship, keep your reviews honest.

Add A Section About Rides in Your Area

Try to set up yourself as a cycling expert in your area. An important part of that is knowing all the bike paths and popular routes.

Use Google Maps to share the details of each route. Tell your audience which ones are easy and which require some effort to complete. You can also make a video of you riding on those routes and post them. That way people will know what to expect if they decide to try them out.