From research, solar power is the best option when it comes to equipping your RV for time off camping. There is however a lot of information you need to know before you install your solar panel on an RV. This information is provided in many sources and can be overwhelming the way it is.

In this article, we will discuss all the questions that you will ask yourself before installing the panel. This information will help you do the right installation so that you don’t end up spending a lot of money and fail to get value from your investment.

1. Does the solar kit include everything?

The solar kit in an RV consists of these components. They are more or less the same as the ones in a small house or a sailboat:
solar panel or a number of them,
Charge controller
RV roof mount
Battery cable controller
Power inverter

These components will give you enough power to use during the day as the batteries store more to use overnight hours. It is however good to see a technician for more advice.

2. Where will the panels be installed?

Installing a solar panel on your RV might sound easy but you still need to identify where you will install it carefully.
The surface should be firm enough to hold your panel stand in place.
The surface should be able to hold panel weight
Resistant to loads like wind, water, and strong heat
You should place the panel where it will be exposed to sunlight for a long period of time.
Install the panel close to batteries to save on conductors.
Where there will be no human interaction to avoid physical damage.
All these factors will lead you to the roof of your RV. It is the only surface on the truck which can hold solar panels permanently. To know more details, Visit the following webpage.

3. Where are potential shadows?

A solar panel performs best when there are no shadows covering. Actually, a little cover of shade will compromise the whole functioning of a solar panel. This will lead to lower levels of energy converted and therefore affecting your satisfaction. The main shadows on your system are:
Trees and parking sheds
Dust on solar panel
Falling leaves and debris
Passing clouds
Neighboring buildings

4. Wire solar panels in Series or Parallel?

A series wiring is whereby each panel is connected to each other in such a way that if the circuit breaks in one panel all the transmission will atop. You connect the positive terminal of panel one to the negative terminal of solar panel two. In this case, the result will be an additive voltage and a constant current. The case of parallel means that each solar panel will operate independently. Breaking of a solar panel connection will not affect the others.In this wiring you will connect all the positives as well as all the negatives. The voltage will remain the same while the current will add up. Your system requirements will guide you on which wiring to go for.

5. Where should you install the components?

The solar panel should be placed on an RV roof (preferably) while you install the charge controller inside your RV near batteries. A place where you can monitor. Batteries should be placed away from storage rooms and walkways since they may be corrosive. The inverter is placed near batteries to reduce the cost of conductors.


This guide should help you when doing solar panel installation on your RV. With this, you will not go wrong.
